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BEST Inc. Logo

The BEST logo is a registered trademark of BEST Inc.

Boosting Engineering Science and Technology

BEST Robotics is a volunteer powered, non-profit organization that was  founded in 1994. It’s goals are to encourage the participation of women and minority students, and promote the involvement of  schools that often have limited  access to programs of this type.


To find out more about the BEST program visit the BEST website.

GEARS, Inc. representing Eastwood/Cornerstone schools participates in the War Eagle BEST Hub, which is in the South’s BEST region..



The Robotics portion of the competition consists of the design and construction of a robot in order to meet the objectives for the game. This team includes programmers, technicians and drivers.


The BEST portion of the competition is all about marketing the company's product, the robot. The marketing side of the team puts out press releases,  seeks sponsorships from local businesses in the community and sets up demonstrations to display the robot's performance and abilities.  Creating a table display, website, marketing presentation, and a notebook detailing the team's steps in the engineering of their robot are responsibilities of the marketing team as well.

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